"On an arithmetic in a set theory within Lukasiewicz logic"


Set theory:

  • CL0 with the comprehension principle within Lukasiewicz predicate logic L∀.

A known result:

  • Mathematical induction on ω implies a contradiction in CL0 by a very long proof [1].

We will show

  • mathematical induction on ω implies a contradiction in CL0 by a simple proof.
  • Overspill: CL0 proves the sentence which can be interpreted as "Any infinite subset of ω must contain a non-standard natural number"

This result suggests

  • CL0 contradicts to mathematical induction (so CL0 differs from PA in important ways),
  • though the overspill causes that its structure is similar to the non-standard model of PA.


  1. Petr Hajek. On arithmetic in the Cantor-Lukasiewicz fuzzy set theory. AML 44(6), pp.339-346.
