"Concepts with unstable boundaries"

3月初めにプレプリントをアップロードしたものの、すっかり忘れていたので。ご興味のある方は こちら からご覧ください。プレプリントですので、多くの問題点があると思います。ご覧になった方で、問題点のご指摘・ご意見・ご感想がある方は是非お知らせください。


R. M. Sainsbury insisted that, to define a predicate in terms of set is to draw a sharp boundary, so it is not vague because a vague concept must be boundaryless. We object to him at two points: First, we insist that the definiteness is attributable not to the conception of set but to a rule of logic, namely the contraction rule itself. Loosing the rule, the boundary of a set can be unstable. Second, since the axiom of extensionality plays a crucial role, making the boundary stable, to represent vagueness, we insist that boundary-drawing is not enough to analyze a set theoretic definition of vague predicates.
