"Temporal states and the contraction rule"

夜23時に国際会議 "Uncertainty: Reasoning about probability and vagueness" 事務局からメール。無事国際会議にacceptされました。雨の中メールサーバーの電源を入れに行った甲斐があったというものだ。


Temporal states and the contraction rule

It is not so famous that the contraction rule is necessary for implying a contradiction in Sorites paradox within classical logic. Without the rule, the paradox does not imply a contradiction: We analyze its role in the paradox, and prove the consistency within a logic without the contraction rule. To interpret Sorites paradox into such logic, we interpret propositions as representing temporal states of a belief and interpret the implication as representing transitions of temporal states. Propositions within the contraction rule represent eternal truths, and regarding temporal states as eternal truths implies a contradiction in Sorites paradox. This interpretation is based on Jan Yves Girard's one: We develop his interpretation.

Fuzzy logic is a subset of classical logic (in regard to the contraction rule), so B. Jack Copeland insisted that the reason why we can represent sorites paradox within fuzzy logic is due to the lack of the contraction rule. However fuzzy logic has a certain fragment of the contraction rule: We analyze that what property of fuzzy logic are caused by such fragment in terms of Girard's view.