[Vagueness] 雑誌 "Studia Logica" の Vagueness 特集

9月のプラハ会議の参加者宛にメールが来ていた。雑誌"Studia Logica"(ポーランド科学アカデミー発行)でVaguenessの特集をするので、それに応募されたし、とのこと。宣伝して欲しいようなので、ここにも転載する(問題があったらご一報下さい)。会議の議事録というわけではなく、openに寄稿者を募集しているので、ご興味がある方は応募してみてはいかがでしょう。

Dear participant of Prague Logic Colloquium 2006
"Uncertainty: Reasoning about Probability and Vagueness",

Below you can find the CFP for the special issue of Studia Logica announced at the Prague workshop (a printer-friendly version is attached to this email in RTF format). Please notice that the issue is open (the papers are not limited to those presented in Prague), but its scope coincides with the topic of the Prague conference.

With best regards,
Libor Behounek

Special Issue of Studia Logica

Guest editors: Libor Behounek and Rosanna Keefe

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Studia Logica is extending its scope. In future the journal will not only cover pure logic but also applications of formal-logical methods in philosophy and cognitive science. To mark this change, the journal will have several special issues, of which this is one.

Vagueness poses a serious problem for classical logic and semantics. Borderline predications appear to be neither true nor false, the Law of Excluded Middle and other classical theorems are brought into doubt, and the sorites paradox can lead us to question various inference rules. Many alternative logics of vagueness have been proposed, including different versions of three-valued logics, fuzzy logics, supervaluationist logics and intuitionistic logic. This special issue will explore some of the formal details and philosophical justifications of these proposed logics. And it may also investigate the logic of higher-order vagueness or of the 'definitely' operator.

Contributors are invited from various disciplines, including philosophy, logic, mathematics and computer science. Papers should be of philosophical interest, while concerning aspects of formal models; they may cover any issue within the debates about vagueness.

Invited authors: Stewart Shapiro and Didier Dubois

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Submission of Papers

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Submitted papers should not exceed 20 pages (including bibliography), and should be formatted according to the Studia Logica LaTex style (see www.StudiaLogica.org). Some submissions in MS Word may also be accepted: authors should consult the guest editors about this possibility. Only electronic submissions will be accepted. The authors should send an email with subject "Studia Logica Submission" to the guest editors (Rosanna Keefe, R.Keefe[at]Sheffield.ac.uk and/or Libor Behounek, behounek[at]cs.cas.cz)*1, with the file of the paper as an attachment, and the following information in the body of the email in plain text: paper title, author names, surface mail, email address and phone number of the contact author and a short abstract.

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: February 28th 2007

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All papers (including the invited ones) will be refereed according to the standards of the journal. The refereeing process is expected to be finished by the autumn of 2007 and the issue published in winter 2007/8.
