
線型論理の創設者、我らが碩学、J.Y.Girardの証明論に関する講義録"Blind Spot"の英語版がpdfで公開された(Georg's diary経由)というので見てみる。

2.4.1 Blair’s theorem
A recent actuality suggests a theorem of Blair, not to be confused with Baire, this very Blair which recently declared : massive destruction weapons (MDW) do exist, but one will never find them. The analogy with incompleteness is misleading. Indeed, on the field, the occupying army made use of all means to make talk. To find hiding places is of an expansive nature, the more one tortures, the more places are found ; if nothing has been found this way this is because there was nothing. We are indeed closer to the Liar paradox I am lying than to incompleteness.
A better approximation would be a theorem of Saddam. Indeed, he was claiming the absence of MDW, but he was putting various obstacles to the verification of his claim. Which made the absence of MDW, a true recessive statement, unverifiable.

ちなみにBaireは有名な数学者(Baire's category theoremで有名)。
彼は昔から暴言でも有名で、この原稿でも絶好調。例えばp113ではalgebraic semanticsについて"the interpretation of a system in itself by changing the typeset : syntax in italics, semantics in boldface"と書いたりとか、とにかく言いたい放題。